
About Us

We always found ourselves discussing Harry Potter through email, so instead of making our computers freeze by receiving 30 emails at a time, we decided to start a blog! We do chapter by Chapter every week, as well as other essays and things.

Allie: I'm a Hufflepuff! I am have a mutual respect for all houses and will not get involved in any sort of fight (see below) My favorite subjects are Herbology and Charms, and I am friends with Hannah Abbott and Susan Bones. My idol is Nymphadora Tonks. In my free time I like to explore the Hogwarts grounds and read the Quibbler!

Emily: I'm a Slytherin!  AND NO SLYTHERINS ARE NOT EVIL.  And I think most Gryffindors (including Alex and Sarah and not including Katy) are stuck-up, prejudiced jerks and I shall be sure to never visit the Three Broomsticks next time I'm in Hogsmeade!  And I would also like to comment on the irony of the fact that Sarah thinks Slytherins are evil and yet is "tight" with Draco Malfoy.  My favorite subjects are Transfiguration, Potions, and Divination.  One of my best friends is Daphne Greengrass.  I hope to be a Hogwarts professor when I'm older.

Alyssa:  I'm a Ravenclaw!  My favorite classes are Charms and Transfiguration.  I'm good friends with Padma Patil.  I like to watch Quidditch, and I want to join the Ravenclaw team next year!  When I grow up, I want to write for the Daily Prophet.

Katy: I'm a GRYFFINDOR! My favorite classes are Transfiguration, Charms, and Herbology. I'm friends with Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil. I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. Maybe fight with Harry Potter against Voldemort. I like to watch and play Quidditch.

Alex: I'm a Gryffindor.  I think that all Slytherins are evil.  Yes, that includes you Emily!  My favorite classes are Defense Against the Dark Arts and Transfiguration.  I'm friends with Parvati Patil and I'm a chaser on the Quidditch team.  I like to spend free time at The Three Broomsticks.

Ada: I am cool because I'm in Ravenclaw, and Ravenclaw is cool because Luna Lovegood is in Ravenclaw, and anything with her name on it is cool. She is a great friend of mine, along with Cho Chang. My favorite class is Charms. I am not a huge fan of Defense Against the Dark Arts because I often get mixed up between certain spells, such as Expecto Patronum and Expelliarmus. As you can imagine, that is not always the best thing. When I grow up, I want to write a book for wizards and witches, a book that will change the world.

Sarah: Well I am the coolest of all because I am Gryffindor (which is the awesomest) and I agree that SLYTHERINS ARE EVIL (especially Emily :P).  I am friends with a bunch of people who I don't feel like listing, AND I am tight with Draco Malfoy.  Potions is stupid but I like Transfiguration.  I am trying to get on the Quidditch team but I'm having issues staying on the broom.  Balancing is not my strong point....