
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Chapter 4: The Keeper of the Keys

This is the fourth chapter of the Sorcerer's Stone. This is a really important chapter, because it's when Harry first finds out he's a wizard!! Here are some things to start off the discussion:

  • On page 48, one of the things Hagrid takes out of his pocket is "...a bottle of some amber liquid that he took a swig from before starting to make tea." Could this be a potion that is mentioned later in the series?

  • In the movie, Hagrid mistakens Dudley for Harry, but in the book, he recognizes Harry right away. He says, "Yeh look a lot like yer dad, but yeh've got yer mom's eyes." Changing it for the movie does add a bit of humor, but is it worth it? It's kind of nice how Hagrid can recognize Harry because he looks so much like his parents. (Click here to watch the scene)
  • Hagrid says to Harry (about Voldemort), "Some say he died. Codswallop, in my opinion. Dunno if he had enough human left in him to die." Could this have anything to do with horcruxes? Does Dumbledore know about the horcruxes yet?
  • To answer our questions from the last chapter about how the letters actually get there and who puts the spells on them, Hagrid says, "I was allowed ter do a bit (of magic) ter follow yeh an' get yer letters to yeh an' stuff -"


  1. You know, I personally think the "amber liquid" is some sort of alcohol because Hagrid's just that sort of person :)

    Yeah, that scene always felt awkward to of the things they should've just kept like it was in the book!

    I don't really think Dumbledore knew because I think in the sixth book he says he first thought of the idea when Harry told him about the diary in the second book. Plus, it seems unlikely that Dumbledore would trust anyone with that sort of information because the only people who ended up knowing besides him were Harry, Ron, and Hermione, I think.

    Oh yeah, that would make sense about the letters! But Hagrid was expelled as a third year...would he have known enough magic to do all that? I also wonder exactly how Hagrid "flew" to the hut on the rock...

    Random fact: JK Rowling wanted Voldemort to be pronounced with a silent t: vol-duh-more. Weird isn't it?!

    I can never make sense of when Hagrid said Lily and James were Head Boy and Girl. First of all, James wasn't even a prefect. Second of all, I thought I once read somewhere that the Head Boy and Girl couldn't be from the same house...not sure about that one though. But it still doesn't make sense!

    Finally, Hagrid mentions that Voldemort killed the Prewetts. These were Gideon and Fabian, who were Ron's uncles. Why does Ron never mention them being murdered? You'd think it would kind of be a big deal to him...

  2. "You did do the thing properly, didn't you?"

    Yay alyssa! I love the link to the movie! We should all do that when there is a video available.

    I also love how you changed the quote on the side to go with the chapter!

    I personally think the whole thinking Dudley is Harry thing is utterly rediculous, cheesey, and not the least bit funny. It wouldn't have taken any more time to stick to the book and say that he looks like his parents. It may have even helped develop the whole Harry has Lily's eyes thing which is going to be important in the Prince's Tale in part 2.
    What are some of your least favorite book to movie moments? I don't like how they take out the Mauraders back story in Prisoner of Azkaban, I don't like how they portray Ginny, they don't give Tonks and Lupin nearly enough screen time, I thought it would be cool if they played out the whole I want to marry you, but I am to old for you thing. And you can barely recognize Tonks from the 5th to 6th movie because they change her hair from pink to black. I mean come on, I know she can change her hair color but please keep some consistency! And I hate how they made it seem like there could be something between Harry and Hermione in part 1 because there is NOTHING. They are totally platonic friends, but someone just wanted to have a love triangle so they could be like twilight. Well, I AM NOT OK WITH THAT. TWILIGHT STINKS HARRY AND GINNY FOREVER. how come I am the only one who loves Harry and Ginny together? everyone likes them, but everyone is like Ron and Hermione are so awesome together, and I am like what about harry and ginny they are amazing "I knew you would" they understand each other so good! they have a relationship, warner brothers! they don't just die shoes and zipper dresses! I MEAN COME ON
    sorry for my anger

    As for the amber liquid, amber is a specific color so you are right that it is important. We should be on the lookout for that. It might just be pumpkin juice or, knowing Hagrid, some kind of alchohol.

    I have wondered about whether Dumbledore knew about the Horcruxes before because the way he explains things in the sixth book it seems like it was just because of the diary that he knew about the horcruxes, but he might have had a suspicion. WAIT I HAD A LIGHTBULB OR A BREAKTHROUGH OR WHATEVER YOU CALL IT


    ok so when Voldemort goes and asks for the DADA job, he has a conversation with Dumbledore and says
    "I have experimented; I have pushed the boundries of magic further, perhaps, than they have ever been pushed-"

    So he basically told Dumbledore. That is how Dumbledore knew Voldemort could not be dead, and Hagrid just says everything Dumbledore says cause he loves him so much.

    Yup, thats all for right now. Please reply to my many questions\comments. I want to discuss.

  3. Dolohov murders the Prewetts. And i think it is not a big deal to Ron because they died before he was even born. A lot of people died at the hand of Voldemort, and some uncle that he never met wouldn't have much impact on him.

    But, in the movie part 1, when Dolohov is unconsious in the cafe, Ron recognizes him and gives him and evil face and talks about "What if he did Mad-Eye? How would you feel then?" can't you imagine him thinking, "You killed my uncles!!!" Here is a link to the clip I am talking about.
    Doesn't the song the waitress is listening to sound like hey soul sister? it isn't but doesn't it sound like it

    James turned around though, stopped getting in so much trouble because Lily told him to. So if he was a jerk when prefect badges came around, he turned himself around in time to be head boy.

  4. I watched the clip. I loved how Hagrid made Harry a birthday cake that said "Hapee Birthdae Harry".

    I have a question. Can you turn something into a broomstick? So you can fly? Or do can you just make it look like a broomstick and not actually have the flying powers?

    In 1:20 in that video that Allie posted, what spell did Hermione shoot at Dolohov? I couldn't hear it. It killed him, right?


  5. Hmm I guess that's true (about Ron's uncles) but I still think it might've come up at least once...and yeah I can really imagine that in the clip!! I kinda wondered why Ron freaked out so much then but your explanation makes sense, whether the movie people intended it to be like that or not.

    Yeah, Hagrid probably said he wasn't dead because that's what Dumbledore said. Dumbledore had reasons, but he didn't share them with Hagrid. I quite agree, Allie.

    Yes, but I thought you couldn't be head boy unless you were a prefect first...maybe I'm mistaken...but it wouldn't really be fair to the prefects if someone who never was one just suddenly got to be head boy, you know?

    For the broomstick thing, I imagine you'd have to put a separate spell on it to make it fly. I wonder how long those sorts of spells would last...are they permanent? Can broomsticks fly forever? It probably would wear off after a while, because the school brooms are bad and some fly slightly to the left or vibrate if you get to high and stuff, so I bet that's a sign of an old broom.

    AHH DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON BAD MOVIE TO BOOK STUFF!!!! The first three did a pretty good job, but then it went downhill. In the fourth one, they took out the HUGE subplot with Bagman and the one with SPEW. They didn't even MENTION house elves!! And I personally love SPEW because it shows how Hermione is determined to stand up for what she believes in. They could've added like one scene about it to the movie, would it have been that hard? And the fifth one...the longest book and the shortest movie. Need I say more? And it made me angry that they left out the Snape's worst memory part because that was really important to how Haryy thinks about his parents. I just hope they have that scene in the prince's tale in the second part of the 7th. And Allie, if you've read spoilers about that DON'T TELL ME!! :) The sixth one was really funny and all that, but I feel like they spent too much time on all the romance when they should've been developing the plot, particularly all the memories and lessons with Dumbledore. Not to mention that stupid stupid scene where the Burrow burned down. I mean, I'm all right with adding in smaller scenes where they are necessary, but the destruction of Harry's best friend's house is kind of a big deal. They shouldn't just make that sort of thing up. And the Harry/Hermione stuff makes me so mad too! Like that dance scene in Deathly Hallows, like what was up with that?!?! And you're right, Allie, the script writer does a horrible job of writing Ginny and Bonnie Wright does a horrible job of portraying her. But I think that people are more interested with Ron and Hermione than Harry and Ginny because they have a more up-and-down relationship, which people find to be more interesting than Harry and Ginny's whole fairy tale-ish sort of thing. I know I feel that way. And now I will leave before I make this long rant even longer!

  6. Ok, Katy, at 1:20 the spell that Hermione shoots at Dolohov is Petrificus Totalus. They do not kill any of them, Harry says that it will show they were there.

    The broomstick question is a tricky one. Could you put a spell on a chair and make it fly? You could levitate it obviously, but you are right, is there just a broomstick spell? Or is it complicated like wands? Are there other things you need to do besides a spell? Is there "broom-lore"?

    It isn't fair, the prefect thing. It is probably just a plot hole.

    i think they should have added Snape's Worst Memory too. It would have been very helpful because of the mudblood thing in the Prince's Tale, that was the tipping point of Snape and Lily's friendship.

    I will not spoil you I promise! I don't know that much....

    That Burrow scene was very stupid and pointless.

    I like the whole fairytale thing, so i guess that's why I like Harry and Ginny so much.

    Have you noticed that they mention tea a ton in the books? Hagrid asks for a cup of tea in this chapter...

    I wonder if Hagrid really has a giant custodian-like key chain. (cause he is Keeper of the Keys) but do they use keys in the wizarding world? there is really no point because of Alohamora, but since Filch is a squib, he would need keys to lock and unlock doors right?

    Hahaha Dumbledore is the Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of wizards. Mugwump is a funny word.

    The definition of Mugwump is:
    "1. A person who acts independently or remains neutral, especially in politics.
    2. often Mugwump A Republican who bolted the party in 1884, refusing to support presidential candidate James G. Blaine."

    What is the International Confederation of Wizards? I kind of just assumed it was a bunch of wizards from all around the world getting together and talking about things, but the definition of Mugwump sounds like it is a wizardgamot (spelling?). A world court or something, and Dumbledore is the judge. But why would they need that? The only people that make enough trouble to get the attention of the wizard court are people that would go to jail without a trial, Voldemort or Grindelwald.

    Uncle Vernon says, referring to Harry's parents, "and the world's better off without them in my opinion." How could he say that? That is so rude!

  7. Oh, and Katy, about your question who was the headmaster before Dumbledore, Armando Dippet was headmaster.

  8. Haha it cracks me up how fans like us (well mostly just me for the prefect one) freak out over plot holes!!!! Like the infamous Mark Evans :)

    Does Movie Harry even know that Snape and Lily were friends? Although he might not have in the book until the Prince's Tale...I can't remember.

    That's because British people believe tea can solve all problems!!! I love it!!! And I love tea.

    Wait Mugwump is a real word?? I thought JK Rowling made that up!!!! Yay that's so awesome!!! Hmm I never really thought about the International Confederation of Wizards before...maybe him being the Mugwump doesn't really mean anything and JK Rowling just used the word because she thought it was wizardish or something...I don't know.

    Well, you know, Uncle Vernon is just a rude person!!

  9. I remember the Mark Evans thing! J.K. Rowling had to put up something on her site because everyone was freaking out so much!

    No, Harry does not know that Snape and Lily were friends before DH(book and movie).
    That is why I always wondered how anyone could ever guess correctly that Snape loved her...

    And I want to know what you think about the broom-lore thing!

  10. I HATE TEA!



