
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Chapter 5: Diagon Alley

Don't make fun of me; I've never done this without having a prompt to follow.

Chapter 5 is about how Hagrid takes Harry to Diagon Alley to buy all the things he will need for Hogwarts. They go to Gringotts, Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions (where Harry meets Malfoy), Flourish and Blotts, the Apothecary, Eeylops Owl Emporium, and Ollivanders.

-"Summat"--Hagrid says this all the time. What does it actually translate to? Something? Some of that? Here's a quote: "Yeh'd die of hunger tryin' ter get out, even if yeh did manage ter get yer hands on summat."

-This may be a really dumb question, but how old do goblins live to be? Griphook seems really old and I don't remember reading about how old they get.

- In the Leaky Cauldron, Harry shakes hands with all sorts of people, but one keeps coming back for more. Doris Crockford. Is she in any of the other books? I don't know why, but her name stuck out to me.

-On Harry's list for school supplies and such, it said "please note that all pupils' clothes should carry name tags." Do they wear name tags in the movie? I don't think they do, but I'm not sure. If you look at that picture, it has a gryffindor crest on his cloakey thing. If they buy their cloaks before, and not know what house they are going to be in, how does the house crest get on the cloak?

-Are there "muggle" owls? or regular owls? Or are all owls "wizard" owls? Does this question make any sense at all?

-Why are the money measurements/currencies for wizards so random? 17 sickles to a galleon, 29 knuts to a sickle....For us, it's very different.



picture from ------


  1. I think by nametags, they mean on the inside so they don't lose them or get them mixed up with someone else's. Interesting point about the house crest on the robes...maybe they put the crest on the robes with magic once they get their houses.

    I never thought about wizard owls vs. muggle owls! Maybe it's like the difference between an animal kept as a pet and a wild animal...they may be almost the same, but after so long, they're a little different because they've been trained and cared for by humans for so many years...did that make sense?

    I don't think Doris Crockford is mentioned on this link:

  2. Alyssa, i think your theory about wiaard vs. muggle owls makes a ton of sense!

    The whole age thing is very messed up in the Wizarding World, Dumbledore was 150 and Aunt Muriel was 102 so I think with magic in their blood they live longer, never mind all the magical treatments for things. I think with Goblins the case would be similar.

    I don't think Doris Crockford is mentioned again, but are you thinking of Dirk Cresswell? He is mentioned many times in various books.

    J.K.Rowling has said in an interview that they didn't dress in school uniforms normally in the books, but they changed that for the movies because it looks better that way. They probably didn't have the little house symbols on their normal robes.

    Name Meanings:

    "Gringotts - According to J.K. Rowling the famous bank comes from the word "ingot," as a reference to "an ingot of gold." She added the "Gr" to the beginning to make it sound more powerful."- Mugglenet

    The meaning of ingot is : "a mass of metal cast into a convenient shape for storage or transportation to be later processed". That makes sense because of how goblins make things.

    Did you guys notice that Diagon Alley is a play on words? It is Diagonally.

  3. That is AWESOME!! I never noticed that!!

  4. Yeah, and Knockturn Alley is Nocturnal.

  5. I never noticed any of that!!!!!!!

    that's sooo cool!


  6. Yay I feel proud for having previously noticed the diagonally nocturnally thing :)

    WAIT. In the books they wear normal clothes to school like we do??? WHAT??????? My world has been intensely shaken.

    In my opinion, the random numbers like 17 and 29 for Sickles and Knuts add to the feeling of the book. It wouldn't feel wizardish if it was 15 and 30, would it?

  7. They may not wear uniforms, but they probably wear robes. Just not the whole sweater thing like in the movies.
