
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Vote for Harry Potter

Since I will scream in fury if Twilight beats Harry Potter, vote for Harry Potter in all the categories for the MTV Movie Awards!


  1. Oooh I voted on those a while ago!! Yeah, if Twilight undeservingly wins one more thing over Harry Potter I may have to kill someone. I mean, Harry Potter is like an amazing series that appeals to EVERYONE and it's on the way to becoming a classic. It teaches good morals and stuff. And what is Twilight? Some stupid vampire romance novel that was written for older teenage girls but only appeals to younger ones because the older ones are too mature to read that sort of junk. Okay, I've never actually read Twilight but I know the plots of the books and my sister loved them when she first read them but now hates them with a burning passion. I could rant about this all day but I'll save you the boredom and pain of that.

  2. Yes, a have a burning hatred against Twilight too. I never did read them over, but I saw one of the movies and it was so stupid i told myself i would never read them.

    And Harry Potter is just so much better for the fact that we could have created this blog. We can write essays on the books and analyze them and have tons to talk about because J.K. Rowling knew what she was doing!
